
Our Mission and Who We Are

Troop 105 and Pack 105 has served Hartford’s youth since 1936. That’s 85 Years!

Who is Troop & Pack 105? We are a private organization made up of volunteers that are registered by the Boy Scouts of America. These volunteers’s sole mission is to provide a fun and exciting program for Hartford youths. This program teaches the skills required to succeed as an adult. We are determined to have all youth that enter and complete this program to reach their dreams, living happy and prosperous lives.

Learn more about these programs here:

Community Service Projects

Bring us your ideas for a service in our community. Each Scout must complete service hours in the community for each of their ranks. Our organization stresses the importance of service to others without pay or reward.

You can find some of our current and past Community Service Projects here.

Please contact us with your ideas and help build a greater community.

How You Can Help

Our organization understands that the cost of youth activities can be overwhelming and that fundraising is something that we will be doing continuously to help offset the costs associated with full scout uniforms, books and badges, camping supplies and equipment, field trips, week long summer camp, high adventure trips and so much more. Keeping costs reasonable for all families allows every youth scout the opportunity to experience what the program has to offer.

Our youth scouts and families learn that giving to others helps our community, nation and world become a greater place. Your donation goes a long way in helping to give a youth scout an experience of a lifetime.

Donations can be made by participating in one of our fundraising events that will happen during the year or through direct donation. We’d also love to recognize all donations with sincere appreciation, but also understand you may want to remain anonymous. We currently accept standard cash and check donations by mail or in person at any of our meetings or events.

We’d love to learn about new fundraising ideas on how we can put our youth scouts to work. Just as teaching the youth scouts the importance of paying it forward in the community we are also teaching hard work for profit will help to pay for things that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. Please reach out with fundraising ideas!

Become a Volunteer

You can get involved today by becoming a Volunteer. Sign up and you will be joining a group of change-makers, a network strong enough to impact positive change in the lives of children.

With the aim of helping as many of Hartford’s youth through Scouting, we always lack enthusiastic volunteers. Volunteers come in many forms, here are just a few:

  • Teaching a topic you enjoy to the youth scouts
  • Your job, business or profession may be of interest to the Scouts
  • You have training or experience that might be helpful (first aid or safety related training/credentials, teaching/coaching. Mentoring experience or Previous Scouting experience)
  • Behind the scenes help with posting on social media, welcoming new families to the program, making contacts for trips/activities or joining a scout committee

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